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Notice of cookies

Own cookies, technical and session type. Manage the user's consent for the use of cookies on the website, in order to remember those users who have accepted and those who do not, so that the former are not shown information at the bottom of the page about.



Cookies dedicated to the measurement and analysis of navigation on web pages. Through web analytics, information is obtained regarding the number of users accessing the web, the number of page views, the frequency and repetition of visits, their duration, the browser used, the operator providing the service, the language , the terminal that you use, or the city to which your IP address is assigned. Information that enables a better and more appropriate service by this portal. It is a third party cookie, session cookie and analysis cookie. You can find more information about it and disable the use of these cookies

_ga, _gid, _gat


Own, technical and session cookies that defend the spam website

_wpss, JCS